Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Harmful Effects of Prejudice and discrimination - OF MICE AND MEN

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Of Mice Mice and Men Essay
Topic: Harmful Effects of Prejudice and discrimination

In John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men, there are many examples of prejudice and discrimination behavior. The main aspects of prejudice shown in the novel are sexual, racial discrimination and social prejudice. We specifically see examples of prejudice in the way Curley’s wife, Crooks, Candy and Lennie are treated.

There is a lot of racial prejudice shown towards the crippled black man, Crooks. Crooks has his own room separate to everyone else. This is because everyone on the ranch doesn’t want Crooks to be with them in the same bunk house. As a result of this prejudice, Crooks has become utterly lonely. When Lennie entered Crooks’ room looking for the puppie Lennie loves, Crooks instantly becomes defensive. “You go on get otta my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunk house, and you ain’t wanted in my room.” Because of Lennie’s lack of knowledge, Lennie is more in touch with the natural side of things, not the “civilised” side of things. “Why ain’t you wanted?” “Cause I’m black…” Lennie does not consider Crooks different from anybody else. Crooks really wants to be involved and have fun with the other ranch members but he cannot, because of his skin colour. Crooks is also discriminated by Curley’s wife. “Listen Nigger,” “You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?” Crooks stared hopelessly at her, and then he sat down on his bunk and drew into himself.” Curley’s wife does not show one bit of respect towards Crooks at all. All this hatred and discrimination has turned Crooks into a lonely, no self-belief or esteem, sorrowful man.

Curley’s wife is sexually prejudiced because she is a woman. Since the ranch is male dominant, she is lonely and her social status goes down too. When Crooks asked Curley’s wife to leave his room, she instantly said, “Listen nigger,” You know what I can do to you if you open your trap.” Her prejudice is a last resort. She knows it’s the only weapon she has to assert that she’s worth something. Prejudice is just another tool she has to cut others down, which is the only way she can feel like she isn’t a worthless nobody. In relevance to social prejudice, not giving a name to Curley’s wife has something to do with her being insignificant. No one on the ranch talks to her. Curley’s wife is always looking for attention and flirting with all the ranch members, which turns them off immensely. “She got the eye goin’ on all the time on everybody. I bet she even gives the stable buck the eye. I don’t know what the hell she wants.” says Whit. "Ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain't no place for a girl, specially like her" says George. The ranch members don’t like or trust Curley’s wife.

Candy is also socially prejudiced. He is socially prejudiced because he’s old and not ‘useful’, and because he has a disability. Since Candy is old and fragile, he is unable to do most of the work the other ranch members do. This instantly makes Candy an outsider. Candy was one happy with his dog, but ever since his dog got shot, he’s been lonely. Lennie is also socially prejudiced because he’s mentally disabled. When the ranch members go out with George, Lennie doesn’t get invited because he cannot socially interact very well. The same happens when the ranch members go out and do activities. George goes along but Lennie doesn’t because he’s just incapable.

This novel represents what happened during the past. The prejudice and discrimination people suffered from especially the black men in America. They had very few rights back in the day. Women also had very few rights. There are many different types of prejudice in Of Mice and Men and sadly enough, prejudice and discrimination still exists nowadays too.           

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